Tuesday, December 02, 2008


It has been a while since my last post and I realized that I didn't want the first thing people read to be my (semi-cynical / semi-humorous) bit on the KJV. As with most of my posts, I often feel less cynical / humorous once I've written them down ....

Looking back at it now, it seems a lot more about how some believers might be less than effective when using the language of the 1600's to share The Gospel ... rather than a specific slam on (what was pointed out to me recently as) "God's Word for many people for many years".


As for the title of this post .... Just about anyone that has read this blog in the past knows that most of my updates are now on facebook (and therefore mercifully shorter). But I'll be back now and again ... usually when I'm feeling particularly cynical / humorous ... to put up a post now and then. I suspect that many of you readers are doing the same - and to make it easier on me to stay up to date, I'm now using the "Follow" feature to alert me when anyone has a new post. I'm guessing that all of you will get notices of this ... and end up here.

All that is to say ..... Nothing new, just covering my bases. Feel free to browse the archives though. I especially recommend 2005-2006 (the peak of my blogging, such as it was) for a glimpse back. And if you would like to nominate an old post as a Blogger Flashback (on my facebook) just let me know here in the comments.

- Dash


Dash said...

My #1 pick-- Special Guest Blogger from 2005!

Dash said...

This is T, sorry I should not have typed the above comment on Dash's log in! Then again, maybe HE should log out before asking me to read his blog! :)

shakedust said...

I've made my share of jokes about the readability of the KJV and the religiocity of Old English, so I didn't read your post as cynical. :)

I need to get around to using the follower feature. I think I'll set it up over the next couple of days.

Regarding old posts, I was watching "Dirty Jobs" last night and they were covering a family business that breeds and sells blue bottle fly maggots for fishing bait. I'd bet you know where I am going with that. :)

roamingwriter said...

I need to figure out how to do that follow thing. I did try to sign up for everyone's but I never got any notices so something's not right.

shakedust said...

So, will there be a Dash sighting in 2010?